Sir Verrodin Canatar ir'Lerendazi
HP 101 17d10–3
Init. +6 +3+3 dex
Base A. B. +18/ 13/ 8/ 3
Melee Atk. +17/ 12/ 7/ 2
+22/17/12/ 7
Maneuver +15
Armor Class +15 (17)
Touch AC +4 (6)
Flat-footed +12
Maneuvers +18 (20)

ABILITY trait mod
Strength 6 –2
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10 +0
Intelligence 7 –2
Wisdom 7 –2
Charisma 28
Fortitude +20 (23)
Reflex +18 (24)
Will +18 (21)
SKILL Roll Calculating
Acrobatics +10 dex 3 + rank 4 + belt 3
Diplomacy +17 cha 9 + rank 2 + class 3 +band 3
Fly +9 dex 3 + rank 1 + size 2 + belt 3
+16 cha 9 + rank 1 + class 3 +band 3
Heal +2 wis -2 + rank 1 + class 3
Intimidate +9 cha 9 + rank 1 – size 4 +band 3
Linguistics +0 int -2 + rank 2
Perception +5 wis -2 + rank 5 + race 2
+13 cha 9 + rank 1 +band 3
Ride +10 dex 3 + rank 1 + class 3 + belt 3
Spellcraft +2 int -2 + rank 1 + class 3
Stealth +11 dex 3 + rank 1 + size 4 + belt 3
CRAFT Roll Calculating
Archery +6 int -2 + rank 1 + class 3 + race 2
+ tool 2
Alchemy +10 int -2 + rank 7 + class 3 + tool 2
Baking +4 int -2 + rank 1 + class 3 + tool 2
KNOWLEDGE Roll Calculating
Religion +2 int -2 + rank 1 + class 3
Nobility +2 int -2 + rank 1 + class 3
Local +2 int -2 + rank 4

(+3 on Cha-based checks to influence any who are LG or follow Silver Flame)


Nature: Player Character
Player: (anyone)
User: Lankin the Mad MageLankin the Mad Mage

Race: Gnome
Origins: Thrane
Residence: Little Plains,
in Middle Menthis

Class: Paladin 18
Archetypes: Divine Hunter
& Tempered Champion
Religion: Silver Flame
Alignment: Lawful Good


Gender: Male
Age: 61 years old (ca equivalent to a 21-22 y.o. human)
Hair: Dark purplish-blue, spiky & sticks up & back
Eyes: Sky-blue, squinty
Height: 3 feet, 5 inches
Weight: 40 pounds
Body: Lean, wiry
Clothing: Pragmatic knight's uniform
Oher traits: Silver tongue-stud piercing. Also, large parts of skin is covered in a pattern that's identical to a Greater Aberrant Dragonmark.

Father: Valtar Canatar ir'Lerendazi (LN, "unfriendly" relations)
Mother: Tarissa Nalian Kalmecher (NG, "indifferent" relations)
Spouse: Laren Boromar d'Tarkanan (CE, hobbit mafia hitman)

Languages: Common, Gnomen, Sylvan, Syranian, Halfling


●Help and protect people.
●Shoot evil. In the face!

●Honesty .


●Choosing love over duty
●has slight claustrophobia .

●The Church
●Morally grey dilemmas

Racial Abilities

Slow Speed: 20 feet.
Small: ●Gets +1 size bonus to AC & attacks rolls
●Suffers –1 penalty to Combat Maneuvers & Maneuver Defense
●Adds a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Low-Light Vision: Can see twice as far as humans in dim light.
Keen Senses: Get a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Obsessive: Get +2 racial bonus on 1 Craft or Profession skill.

Illusion Resistance: +2 racial bonus on saves against illusion effects.
Defensive Training: +4 dodge bonus to AC against goblinoids.
Offensive Training: +1 on attacks against reptilians & goblinoids.
Weapon Familiarity: Treat any weapon with the word “gnome” in its name as a martial weapon.

Gnome Magic: Gets 4 spell-like abilities, each usable once per day. CL= own lvl
Dancing Lights: Creates 1–4 mobile floating lights, ca torch-sized, for 1 minute
Ghost Sound: Create illusory sounds, of max volume = 4 people/CL, 1 round/CL
Prestidigitation: Can produce a wide variety of minor tricks, for 1 hour
Speak With Animals: Able to ask questions of & get answers from animals,
if you can convince them to do so. Still limited by intellect. Lasts 1 hour per CL
Also: Add +1 to the save DC of any Illusion magic he does.

Class Abilities

Detect Evil: (at will) Swift action if used on only 1 target,
which gives result as if had spent 3 rounds focusing on them
Divine Grace: Add Charisma Bonus (if any) to all Saving Throws.
Divine Health: Immune to ALL diseases, even magical ones.
Aura of Good: Registers more strongly to "Detect Good"
and similar good-sensing effects.

Aura of Righteousness: ●Get DR 5/evil.
●Now immune to Compulsion spells & spell-like abilities.
●Each ally within 10 feet gets +4 morale bonus on saves vs Compulsion effects.

Smite Evil: Use 6 times per day.
●Choose 1 target to smite, as Swift action.
●Lasts until target goes down, or you rest & regain daily abilities.
If they are evil, then against them you get:
●Attack bonus = Cha mod = +12 to attack
●+1 dmg per level = +18 to damage
●x2 dmg bonus = +36 damage on 1st attack if smiting an evil-subtyped outsider, evil-aligned dragon, or the undead
●Deflection bonus = Cha mod = +12 AC
●Attacks automatically bypass any Damage Reduction (DR) the target might have

Item: If wearer dispatches an opponent with a "smite evil" attack (killing it, destroying it, or reducing it to HP<0),
they may use the "channel energy" ability or the ranged version of "lay on hands" as a Swift action that round.

Holy Archery

Laying On Hands

Divine Bond





Longbow: ranged weapon. Dmg: 1d10+3. Crit: ×3. Range: 100 feet. Tags: +1 weapon, Conserving, Crusader, Arrow-Splitter
Scale Mail: "light" armor. AC: +5. Max dex: +5. Penalty: –0. Speed: 20 ft. Tags: Mithril & +1 Light Fortification (25%)
Darkwood Buckler: shield. AC: +1. Penalty: –0. Traits: +4 shield, compatible with using a bow

Combat Tools

Special Arrows

Worn Items

Carried Gear

Wealth: 83'098 gp, 97 cp

Character Sheet

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