
Nature: Creature
Type: Magical Beast

Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium
CR: 3

First Encountered: 6.3 "Baskerville Blues"

Description: "Foul-smelling fluids ooze from weeping sores across the scaly skin of this squat, powerful, and vaguely canine beast."

A typical trollhound stands 4 feet tall at the shoulder, has short but powerful legs, and weighs around 350 pounds. A trollhound’s skin is somewhat scaly, with patches of rough, greenish-black fur.

It has oversized jaws with a pronounced underbite, and its eyes are normally a dull, hateful orange.

Information: Slavering and voracious, trollhounds seem to be trolls in smaller canine form, and indeed, are often found as pets among gangs and tribes of trolls. Requiring vast amounts of food to fuel their regenerative metabolisms, packs of wild trollhounds range far and wide through the mountains of the north, their ravenous hunger driving them to hunt and consume any prey they can track down and kill.

Trollhounds are fearless on the hunt and in combat, relying on their ability to regenerate to carry them through. Not even the threat of fire is enough to repel them, as the beasts are too dull to recognize the danger it poses.

Nevertheless, fire is one of the most effective tools in combating them, and canny hunters know to burn every last remnant of a slain trollhound, for as is true of trolls, even the smallest piece of trollhound flesh can eventually regrow back into a full-sized beast.

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